Prison officials recalled soap produced by the California Prison Industry Authority due to a trace amount of a cancer-causing ingredient.
The July 27 alert prompted collection of all PIA soap in San Quentin housing units. Inmates were issued half-bars of commercial soap pending arrival of new shipments of the PIA product.
“By 7:45 a.m., the officers were breaking bars of Irish Spring, Ivory, and Jergens in half,” said North Block prisoner Steve Cortz. “A few minutes later I heard, ‘Listen up gentleman! If you have any PIA soap, you need to bring it to the desk.’”
In a statement, PIA said the carcinogen was found in its annual review of products. The alert did not specify the known chemical, only that it was a carcinogen.
The PIA announcement said it had not been contacted by anyone reporting health concerns associated with its soap, but discontinued production as a precaution.
Replacement soap production began July 28, the PIA reported. It planned to begin shipping the new bars shortly thereafter.
PIA reported it will reimburse institutions for any unused soap. It said it will also reimburse customers for any additional cost incurred in the procurement of replacement soap from any other vendor.