By Anthony Manuel Caravalho and Sampablo Aristeo, Staff Writers

On October 8, parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church witnessed festivities that included Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone presenting the sacraments of faith to 14 fortunate residents.
Graduates of a yearlong program, offered by Sister Sharon and Sister Aloysita of the Missionaries of Charity, in Richmond, CA celebrated the sacraments.
“We started this class in September of 2022. Father Chavira wanted a course that allows all comers the opportunity to receive sacraments. The willingness of the men to learn, share, and grow closer to God was amazing,” said Sister Sharon.
Sisters Sharon and Aloysita hoped the men at San Quentin can return to other facilities and encourage the sacrament to be offered there. “They should go to the prison chaplain and say, ‘I want to begin my walk with God,’” said the Sisters.
For resident Gray Green, his confirmation was a journey lasting over 50 years.
“I want to thank Archbishop Cordileone as the confirmation was beautiful. God will bless all those who helped in the ceremony. Understand my confirmation was interrupted over 50 years ago when my family moved and I changed schools. I am proud to continue my worshiping of God at San Quentin,” said Green.
Archbishop Cordileone translated Isaiah Chapter 5:1-7 and Philippians 4:6-9 to the entire church as only he could do.
“The readings reflect people of God. Here, the vineyard is seen as the entire people of God as we celebrate the initiation of these men today.
“God tailor makes a plan for each of us the same way he makes each grape. Each plan [grape] varies as our walks in God differ,” said Archbishop Cordileone.
He continued with his stylistic sense of humor. “You’ve heard it said, #!#* happens. I won’t say that, but fertilizer does happen,” he said to the laughing congregation.
“The vineyard, when properly fertilized and tended, will produce wine worthy of the festivities of God. Many people turn away from Him, and result in wild or rotten grapes, because if you reject God’s ways, the vineyard dies until each person returns to the heart of God,” said Cordileone.
“God is a God of surprises … privileged vineyards are not given except to those who worship his Son. To flourish in the vineyard, accept Jesus Christ and you will be eternally fruitful. Remember, grapes only turn into fine wine if cultivate the vineyard, pruning and fertilizing. Everyone thinks fertilizer is the rough part but growing and understanding God’s wisdom shows we understand the fertilizer — or rough times — strengthens us,” said Cordileone.
The Archbishop introduced the entire class of graduates. “We congratulate the new graduates who we know will stay close to God so your wine provides a sweet peace no one can take from you.”
Outside sponsors, Blanca and Alberto, felt overjoyed to help assist the men.
“We’re very happy to enjoy God’s feast today. Last year, the Sisters invited us to give sacraments in class for the first communion. Our lives were touched by God’s grace and mercy,” said the sponsors.
Residents José A. Esparza and Edeared de Jesús Castro received baptism, confirmation, and first communions. “I feel good [about how] everything turned out. I’m very happy to get this opportunity to be baptized,” said Esparaza.
“My transformation began in county jail and I couldn’t complete it before coming to prison. I studied a year of catechism and received sacraments of the church. I wished my family was here, so I could set examples for my son — he starts his catechism this year,” added de Jesus Castro.
Father Williams’ clerk, Arturo Melendez, shared his confirmation journey. “From the moment I began to work with Father Chivara, he never treated me as an inmate, and I’m honored the same has happened with Father Williams,” said Melendez, whose sponsor for the confirmation was Father Chivara.
“To be baptized by Archbishop Cordileone, are you kidding me?! Only at San Quentin,” said incarcerated resident Gabriel Ordenain.
“I hope the graduates fulfill Bishop Cordileone’s request. As Catholics we must receive valuable lessons, listening to God, because if we don’t, we can be crushed like we’re in a wine press. I hope the graduates become the sweet grapes of God,” said Catholic Choir Director Megan O’Brien.
“Celebrating our brothers’ baptisms and confirmations always inspires joy for the entire SQ Catholic Community. We are also grateful that our Archbishop traveled to SQ to celebrate the sacraments,” said Father Williams.
Cordileone directed the graduates to remain humble. “Gratitude nourishes our prayer the same as fertilizer nourishes the vine,” he said.
Cordileone told the packed church he would be back for the traditional Christmas services.