The norovirus is a highly infectious virus that causes gastrointestinal illness, commonly spread during the winter months. It spreads by touching items that an infected person has touched, such as doorknobs, flush toilets, and railings. It is also sporadically spread through the air.
Symptoms of Norovirus Symptoms of norovirus involve sudden vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and stomach cramping, lasting 12-48 hours. However, a person may remain contagious for up to 72 hours.
What to Do If You Experience Symptoms: If you experience norovirus symptoms, you should contact the Medical. Department
Recommendations: Avoid preparing food for other people. Stay home or in your cell for at least 48 hours after symptoms disappear. If you are a food service worker, stay home or in your cell at least 72 hours.
Precautions: To prevent the spread of Norovirus: Thoroughly wash your hands for a minimum of 30 seconds with soap and warm water after using the bathroom and before preparing or eating food.
Routinely clean all hard surfaces areas commonly touched by prisoners, visitors and staff with a chlorine bleach solution. This includes handrails and stairway rails, door handles/knobs, benches, doorways, visiting room, showers and restrooms. When cleaning, make sure to use a mask and gloves. If you notice vomit or diarrhea, alert medical staff.
Chlorine bleach is highly effective in controlling the spread of infection caused by the norovirus. The most effective ratio is two ounces (1/3 cup) of bleach to one gallon of water. Using a higher concentration is wasteful and creates a safety hazard