Dear SQNews:
Last April I sent a $100 donation and started receiving The San Quentin News and The Wall magazine. The Technical expertise, editorial content, writing skills, and timely articles have gotten better and better with each issue. The last issue of The Wall showcasing the art and artists flourishing within San Quentin was superb and most inspiring. I would like to commend and congratulate the men who have worked hard and diligently to master the many facets of print publication.
I’m enclosing a check of $100 in continued support of this excellent endeavor that gives a voice and a venue to the incarcerated to express themselves, their views and their concerns,
Thank you for being the conduit in providing an outlet to this group with a limited voice. I look forward to reading the next issue of The San Quentin News.
—Diana Franco , San Rafael, California, L.A. VETS COORDINATOR COMMENDS SQN
Dear SQ News:
First let me congratulate you on your fine newspaper. I have been reading it since 1980, though for a few years, you were not published. This includes the wonderful years that Joe Morse (RIP), my good friend, was the Editor-in-Chief. I noticed over the years that at no time did the San Quentin News lose its high standards in reporting. Though with different Editors-in-Chief, the perspective changed, but it never was weakened or lessened in the quality of reporting. Furthermore, over the years it had grown from a just San Quentin paper to one of worldwide readership.
I am the National Veterans Foundations (NVF), Incarcerated Veterans Coordinator. This means that I have a very full case load of incarcerated veterans corresponding with me wanting information and assistance. With those Out-of-State incarcerated veterans, I always tell them they need to get the San Quentin News as it is very informative on what is going on in the world of incarceration. I believe this helps them out as most states do not have a prison newspaper.
Thank you and your staff for the wonderful newspaper and we hope for the continued success.
—J. White, Prison Outreach Coordinator, National Veterans Foundation, Los Angeles, California