Dear SQNews:
Most people know the 13th Amendment outlawed slavery. But that was the second 13th Amendment. The first was promoted by President James Buchanan, introduced into Congress, passed by a 2/3 majority of both the House and the Senate. It was then submitted to all the States and ratified by a number of them, and was well on its way to becoming part of our Constitution.
This first version of the 13th Amendment actually guaranteed that slavery would be a permanent U.S. institution which could never be altered by law or abolished. Appeasers in Congress thought that this would forestall war and placate southern slave-holders.
They were wrong. War broke out anyway before the requisite ¾ of the States could ratify it and the rest is history.
We prisoners base many of our legal claims on the Constitution. In fact, virtually every litigant believes that his or her argument is supported by the Constitution. Therefore, it is useful to look at what this document really is (and isn’t), and how it’s interpreted.
—Thomas G. Mc Bride, San Luis Obispo, California
Dear SQNews:
I’m requesting November & December 2022 as I already have September & October 2022.
Thank you.
— Kwaneta Harris, Solitary Confinement, Gatesville, Texas
Dear SQNews:
Hello, I’m writing with a vital, urgent request for the October 2022 newspaper. Thank you for your time.
—Terry Spence, Atlanta, Georgia
Dear SQNews:
Please find enclosed forever stamps for the following: December 2022 Edition 151 San Quentin News.
Thank you immensely.
— Michael K. Hunter, MCI-Norfolk, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Dear SQNews:
I have been in prison since the age of 18. I have a scheduled parole board hearing next year. I will be going to my hearing at the age of 38. I enjoy reading a lot. I was reading the San Quentin News and I read an article on the GRIP program.
Is it possible for me to be a member of GRIP via correspondence? Or can I obtain the curriculum so that I can benefit from the program? I can really use the life skills from the program.
I was told by an older inmate many years ago, “A closed mouth don’t get fed,” and that is why I am asking for help. If the GRIP program is not available can you help me get in another program please?
Thank you to all staff. Happy Holidays!
— Luis Martínez, Chuckawalla Valley S.P., Blythe, California
Hi, Luis! We are awaiting a response from GRIP facilitators on whether the program can be completed via correspondence. In the meantime, we have previously covered an organization called PREP, which offers correspondence programs geared especially toward lifers. There are numerous programs, including Anger Management, Domestic Violence, Gang Awareness, Centering Yourself (cell phones), Survivors, Victim Impact, Insight, Confronting Criminal Thinking, and Denial Management, and several others. Many of the modules are also available in Spanish. For more information, contact PREP directly at:
P.O. Box 77850, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Good luck to you Luis, and thanks for writing.
Dear SQNews:
I am interested in subscribing to your publication and would like to know how to make this possible. I have enclosed payment to cover the cost of the most current San Quentin News and would like to be added to your mailing list on a regular and continuing basis.
—Joseph Littlefield, Monroe Correct’l Complex, Monroe, Wisconsin
Dear SQNews:
I hope everything is going well over there and you are all having a joyful day.
I’m writing in hopes that there was some sort of mistake made. I mailed 3 stamps over a month ago to request the latest San Quentin News. Perhaps it was somehow lost in translation or transit through the mail or some such accident. I have honest to God have been waiting with much anticipation for the last month, along with several others whom I told I had the SQNews on the way. It’s been sort of confusing not getting a copy and not knowing if I should continue being patient, if I should write to remind the mail volunteers not to forget me, or what… Being a ravenous reader and writer as I am, along with serving as the resident jailhouse lawyer at least in my module, the SQNews has always been an indispensable resource for myself and many others like me, ever since picking up my first copy in Badger Section reception, right there at San Quentin.
Thanks so much for understanding, and all hail the SQNews team!
In solidarity,
— Greg Messenger, Santa Clara County Jail, San Jose, California
Hi, Greg. We’re sorry about the delays in receiving your copy of the newspaper. Last month, we ran a notice to readers about significant mailroom delays we’ve been experiencing. We apologize for the hold-up, though the problem should now be resolved and you — and other readers— should be receiving your SQNews on time.
Dear SQNews:
The passage of Proposition 17 in 2020 by the voters was a huge milestone in restoring the rights of returning citizens in California. I want to expand upon that law to include registering incarcerated citizens to vote and actually allowing citizens to vote while incarcerated.
This will encourage a person’s investment in the political process, helping build a stronger sense of community to those of us who often feel most disenfranchised. It will encourage building of awareness of the issues and build a feeling of participation and responsibility to ourselves and the communities we will live in.
— Raymond Jenkins, Correctional Training Fac. Soledad, California
Dear SQNews:
Thank you for the historical article on music performers. Please increase the frequency with which you report on San Quentin’s rich history. I for one, find them most enjoyable. I have a suggestion regarding the above — noted rock & roller George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers recently announced a worldwide tour to celebrate their 50th anniversary of cranking out hits and great original compositions too since the band’s first ‘gig’ of January 1, 1973!
— James Fayed, San Quentin State Prison, San Quentin, California
Dear SQNews:
Thank you for everything you guys are doing. I am from Wilmington, CA.
I like reading San Quentin News. I am sending you guys stamps; can you guys send me October and November 2022 issues. Please.
Thank you.
—Ruben Barrera AUSP Thomson, Illinois