Jamaica’s Justice Minister Delroy Chuck has found alternative ways to fight crime by using restorative justice practices, according the Jamaica Observer.
“Getting wrongdoers to accept responsibility is the essence of restorative justice, which is why I am so committed to having restorative justice spread in every nook and cranny…every schoolroom, every church and every inner-city community across Jamaica,” Chuck said.
Chuck’s initiative will focus on youth violence, urban street gangs and social media, according to the article.
Training for school administrators and 8,000 Justices of the Peace in the practice of restorative justice and mediation will begin over the next two years, the article states. Each school is expected to have at least three trained practitioners, and the judiciary would be educated about restorative justice and child diversion processes.
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Chuck’s comments and plans came out of the Ninth International Restorative Justice Conference in New Kingston. The theme of the conference was “A Restorative Approach to Gang Violence.” The event was held to mark Restorative Justice Week, which took place in early February.
First responders, community leaders and other support groups will also undergo training in the restorative justice process this year.
To reduce crime and violence, Chuck said, the government is determined to use all measures necessary.
“People will know about it and know how they can resolve disputes and (make sure) that stability, peace and calm can be created and (maintained) across Jamaica,” Chuck said.