With Thanksgiving at close range, being in captivity can become quite challenging. Understanding rules, regulations and an assortment of unannounced mayhem certainly can invade one’s moment of solace.
Being thankful allows one not to overcome their surroundings, by allowing life to be filled with happiness and all that is great. Whatever the circumstance, situation, trial or tribulation, being thankful is welcomed. Remaining thankful allows one to look forward to the future with confidence, assured that the best remains to be seen.
Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “thankful” as being grateful; to feel or express appreciation. Thankful embraces, never rejects, promotes acceptance without denying enrichment, hope without want, and rejoicing without fear and love over hate. The season to extend thanks is not relegated to the traditional Thanksgiving celebration.
Demonstrating that living is not enough, one must know how to live by honoring the past, present, as well as the promises and guarantees of the future.
Author Dr. Charles R. Solomon exhibited his thanks with these thoughts: “When we come to a place of full retreat and our hearts cry out to God, the only person whose hearts ours can meet is the one who has likewise trod. Others may offer a word of cheer to lift us from despair; but above the rest, the one I hear is the whisper, ‘I’ve been there.’”
Thankful allows one to maintain their disposition in confronting opposition by emphasizing boldness, courage, meekness and joy. Bear in mind what thankful actually is, and allow its essence to elevate your lives to plateaus never envisioned.
Hartley is a graduate of the Christian leadership program of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.