The New Year began with fabulous proclamations of commitment and re-dedication to spirituality, healthful living, education and other important items of interest.
Unfortunately, the best laid plans have many accepting what was viewed as symbolic to their lives as misfortune. It is only appropriate for one to attempt to reverse this trend by being introduced to something that they may have indeed overlooked: faith.
It is defined as confidence or trust in a person or thing; loyalty or fidelity; a system of religious belief or in God. Of the three definitions, the latter garners the most interest. Faith is the one entity that can immediately bring results to your life. It is tantamount to the presence of God. Faith gives substance to our hopes, and makes us certain of the realities we do not see. In other words, just because you don’t see Him, doesn’t mean that He does not exist.
In addressing faith, distinguished author Dr. Emmet Fox once said, “God is infinite life. God is boundless love. God is Unfathomable Wisdom. God is Unspeakable Beauty. God is the Unchanging Principle of Perfect Good. God is the Soul of man.”
The mercy and grace of God has allowed the vehicle of faith to become a time-tested recipe for refining and teaching how one can enjoy happiness, health peace, poise, power, prosperity, success and truth, by consistently allowing Him to reign in your life today.