The San Quentin community is thankful for many things, here just a few:
I am most thankful for love and the power that it has to heal. It is so easy to take for granted the comfort of knowing you are loved by someone. In the midst of all the craziness life brings, I’ve learned to take a moment and drown out all my worry and anxiety with gratefulness. Happy Thanksgiving!
Trenise Ferreira:
This time of year, I am reminded of all the blessings I have had in life. Beyond the obvious things I am thankful for (my parents, family, friends, etc.), I am thankful for the educational endeavors I have had in life. Spending four years at USC was the best thing to happen to me out of high school, and my time there prepared me to excel in graduate school at UC Berkeley.
My graduate program has afforded me the unique opportunity to visit San Quentin every week and to work with the unique men that comprise the San Quentin News staff. My experience at San Quentin has really changed my perspective of California’s penal system and has made me acutely aware of the privileges I was granted from birth that have guided me down the path I have taken in life. I have spent nearly a near volunteering at San Quentin, and it truly is one of the best, most humbling life experiences I have ever had.
I am very thankful for the perspective that volunteering at San Quentin has given me.
William Drummond:
In 2011 I taught a PUP class that began my involvement with San Quentin News. Since that time, I have grown as a journalist, as a teacher and as a human being. Could not ask for more.
Ms. Williams:
I love that we have a day on which we can say “Thanks.” Truthfully, I have much to be thankful for.
Sevio Gonzales:
Feliz dia de accion de gracias a todo mi familia o cinocidas. Amor de mi corozon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mr. Shimel:
Winning isn’t everything, family is, which includes my students in my class room.
Kevin Valvardi:
Despite being in here and so far away from my family and friends, I can still find plenty of reasons to be thankful each day.
Jose G. Camacho:
Thank God for the lovely day of Thanksgiving; that my family and other families may share quality time and eat turkey in abundance.
Abdul Salaam:
I thank Allah, to all praises due for letting me seek peaceful solutions for everything. I give thanks for positive encouragement.
John Vernacchio:
Having to come to prison at 55, I am so thankful for all my great experiences in life. Past loves, travel, toys, friends and most of all, family.
Luis Cardenas Orosco:
Saludos para mis hijos, mis hermanos, mi mama, primos y primas, para mis amigos y mi compadre Nau.
Vicente Gómez Galvan:
Envio saludos para mama y papa, para todos mis hermanos, primos, primas, hermanas y sobrinos, para mis cunadas, para Goyo Magana y toda su familia.
Jose Vieyra:
Saludos a todos los seres anorados, queridos y respetados. Con todo carino para la familia y amigos.
Jose Dias:
Lesmando saludos a toda la familia y amistades.
Martin Gómez Galvan:
Saludos para toda la familia y amigos.
Guadalupe Aranda:
Saludos para toda la familia alla en Long Beach, CA. aqui estamos dispuestos a cualquier evento para deleitarlos con nuestra música.
Jose Velásquez:
Estimada hermana Maria te manda saludos tu hermano que te quiere mucho.
Upu S. Ama:
I am truly grateful of life’s many blessings: family, friends, health, etc. What I am most thankful for today are the many people whom have been instrumental in my rehabilitation process. From the outside community members who reaches back with a helping hand to the inside community members who has been just as helpful. Being here at S.Q. I am reminded thru my peers on Death Row as well as my peers that I have lost along the way, that I have been blessed with a special opportunity, an opportunity to better myself; to help better those around me, and together help better our community. For that, I am truly thankful for such an opportunity!
Somsak Uppasay:
I have been blessed to have an extraordinary support team of friends and family who have stood by me during my time of great need. And so I would like to express my deepest respect, love and appreciation for their unconditional love, especially my parents and sisters who have never given up hope on me even when I did not believe in myself. Their positively, humble spirit and attitude have provided me with a new set of eyes, mind, and heart. I owe so much to them as my family. I am so humbly appreciative to each and every one of you for the sweat, the struggles and the sacrifices you have made on my behalf.
Although I am haunted by the grief, shame and guilt within my heart for the harm that I have caused to an innocent life, I am rather thankful to be able to have the opportunity, an opportunity to which I do not serve, to learn and grow into a decent human being.
Through this tragic experience created by my actions, I have learned to have faith in myself and overcome my fears of disappointing my friends. I have utilized the course of this experience as a life lesson to help me become a better person, a better brother, a better son, and a better human being.
I’m thankful to be here at San Quentin so I can take advantage of all the self-help programs and basketball games with positive folks from society.
Frankie Smith:
I’m thankful for surviving cancer twice and living another day. I’m thankful for God allowing me to see this day for what it really is, a true blessing.
Kara Urion:
I am grateful for the endeavors of the San Quentin News and I am incredibly grateful for the community here at San Quentin. In particular, this year I would like to give thanks for the life and teachings of Bishop M. Thomas Shaw.
Chris Markham:
I’m thankful for God allowing me to see this day for what it really is – a true blessing.
Johnny Gomez:
The thing I am most thankful for is that after being away from home for 18 years is that I still have the love and respect from my son Johnny Jr.
Andrew Vance:
Thanksgiving is a day for thanking everyone who has given.
Richie Morris:
Thanksgiving is a time to remember the great blessings we enjoy, being thankful for family.
Mike Endres:
I am thankful for my mom Pearl, my sister Vonda, my nephew Eddie, my niece Amy, and my friends Rich and Brenda, for all their love and support.
Claudius Johnson:
I am truly thankful to be alive and to be reborn in my way of thinking. All praises to the lord father.
Eric Wilson:
I give thanks that I was able to survive my prison experience mentally. I was able to be found suitable and re-enter society again.
Roger Chavez:
I would like to give thanks to my God, my parents and all my family members. Thank you for supporting me through out the years of my incarceration.
Adnan Khan:
I am thankful for the education and opportunities San Quentin offers, which fulfilled my lifelong quest for purpose in life.
Dwight Krizman:
Being thankful has become a way of living for me. Even in prison I can choose to live in gratitude. Life for me is as it should be…simply because it is.
Bob Kaser:
I am thankful for my family and friends, and especially for my recovery in the unity of Alcoholics Anonymous. And for the serenity prayers.
I want to give thanks to the Chau family for being there and supporting me, Much Love.
Louie Light:
I’d like to give thanks to my loving family who’s always supported me, no matter the circumstances. And most of all my caring girlfriend Jo who’s give me nothing but love, respect and devotion in our relationship.
Sonny Nguyen:
Thanksgiving reminds me of all the blessings I have in my life. Thankful for the family and friends who support me in my life.
Ricky Gaines:
Thanksgiving always reminds me to count my blessings and not my problems. To be thankful for life, family and opportunity.
Osbun Walton:
I am truly thankful for Mr. Shimel and the inmate student assistance and the outside tutors. I also give thanks for the Tuesday and Thursday night classes because both inmates and outside tutors truly makes a difference in my education.
Salvador Solorio:
There is much to be thankful for. Even though I am imprisoned, I know that things could be a lot worse for me. Prison food at times sucks, but I am thankful for every meal I get, even a Thanksgiving meal at San Quentin.
Nate Collins:
I am thankful for good health and being at an institution I can address my core issues. I am thankful to be around positive like-minded people.
Rob Ritchie:
I am really thankful for my great health. I am thankful for my family that supports me through all my time of incarceration. And I am thankful I am in a prison where I don’t have to carry a knife.
Wade E. Mormon:
I am thankful for the outside tutors That educate us, and also the professional athletes that come in, and lastly I am thankful my good buddy Sal that helps me with my guitar.
Damon Cooke:
I’m grateful and thankful for everyone who has helped me re-establish my direction, focus and drive. Today with your help, I am a new man.
Darrell “Waylo” Williams:
I’m thankful for having my family with me through this trial and tribulations in my life.