I’m sending this letter to you today to inquire about the curriculum. I know generally speaking, your program is available for lifers, and not Death Row inmates. There are many of us who were sentenced to death as youths. Myself included. I just turned 20 when I received my sentence. My question is this: Could we begin now to start taking classes that your program offers to youth offenders? We already have a group of individuals who would start taking classes now if you were to make that available to us. The only thing we would need is a sponsor, and I’m sure we could arrange for that to happen.
Lastly, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to all of the members of Kid CAT. We understand how much work and effort goes into a program that is geared to- ward helping youth offenders see beyond their circumstances. Thank you so very much.
Joseph Montes,
San Quentin State Prison – Death Row
Dear Mr. Montes,
Thank you for expressing interest in our program. Until your letter, we never knew if there were youth offenders in Death Row interested in taking our program. We will do our best to work with you in conjunction with our community partnership manager to see if we could help set up a Kid CAT curriculum program for Death Row inmates. By the way, Kid CAT is open to and advocates for all youths regardless of sentence or incarceration, not just for lifers. Stay encouraged.
Joseph Montes,
San Quentin State Prison – Death Row
Dear Mr. Montes,
Thank you for expressing interest in our program. Until your letter, we never knew if there were youth offenders in Death Row interested in taking our program. We will do our best to work with you in conjunction with our community partnership manager to see if we could help set up a Kid CAT curriculum program for Death Row inmates. By the way, Kid CAT is open to and advocates for all youths regardless of sentence or incarceration, not just for lifers. Stay encouraged.