Centerforce invites the new inmate population in West and North Block to participate in a series of peer-led health-related classes.
These classes cover a wide range of topics from HIV and hepatitis prevention to cognitive and behavioral transformation.
The classes are held Monday through Friday 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Old Laundry Building in Education. The classes we are currently offering are as follows:
Mondays, Spanish Health Class
- Tuesdays, Level I Peer Health Educator Training
- Wednesdays, Drop-in Health Question and Answer Session
- Thursdays, Breaking Barriers
- Fridays, Health Education Class.
The Monday and Wednesday classes are open to the general population. The Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday classes are by sign-up only.
Sign up with Julie Lifshay of Centerforce or the following Peer Health Educators: Asuega, 3H33L; Carranza, 3N96L; Larus, 4H95L; Leal, 4N29L; Morris, 1N32L.