Resources for a successful parole are available through the “California Reentry Program.” This program is brought to SQ by a group of volunteers. Available every Tuesday night in H-Unit, and every Thursday night on the Lower Yard in the “Old Laundry.” The program also provides assistance for Lifers who want help in developing Parole Plans for the Board. Allyson West leads the group of well-educated, highly motivated individuals who sacrifice their own time to offer the following:
A. Career Advice, giving guidance and assistance in what field of employment best for you.
B. Employment, finding job opportunities in the field of choice.
C. Education, continuing education, from GED, Trade Schools, to College, and the financial aid to attend.
D. Housing, transition housing, and other assistance for living arrangements.
E. Substance Abuse Treatments, the California Reentry Program is connected with the “Bay Area Services Network” which can help you in locating help in overcoming addiction.
F. Miscellaneous Issues, such as, attaining identification, attaining transcripts, child support and parental rights issues, parole agent contact, attorney referrals, etc…
G. Monthly Workshops, are held in H-Unit for the following: Resume Writing, Job Interviews, Effective Workplace Communications, Assessing Your Skills and Interests, Labor Market Information (who’s hiring), the filling out of Job Applications, and, occasionally, Health and Immigration workshops. The H-Unit Workshops require signup, to be sent to “Allyson West c/o Education Department.”
The Tuesday’s California Reentry Program is available by showing up when announced in the dorm. Thursday’s program, in the Old Laundry, requires being on a movement sheet; requests to be placed on the movement can be sent to: “Allyson West c/o Education Department.” Or, if you see Allyson, ask her to include you. Ducats will no longer be issued; only the movement sheet is necessary.
California Reentry Program
P.O. Box 483
San Quentin, CA 94964