The site of a previous firearm facility has been designated for new affordable housing near San Quentin State Prison.
Named Oak Hill, the recently approved project is just north of the prison, and is one of Marin County’s major reasonably-priced lodging expansions, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Aug. 24, 2023.
“This housing will play a major part in addressing the problem and give many of our people the ability to live closer without commuting for hours each day to teach or perform their essential work,” said John Carroll, Marin County superintendent of schools.
The project was made possible by a 2019 executive order by Gov. Gavin Newsom, that made surplus state property available for affordable housing, according to the article.
“To have this opportunity on state-owned land is a tremendous gift,” said Teddy Newmyer, associate director of real estate development at Eden Housing.
Educational Housing Partners CEO Bruce Dorfman called the hillside parcel an “incredible site” for affordable housing and said it could be modeled for educator housing projects.
“Marin’s cost of living has created persistent staffing challenges for our local school districts, especially in the recruitment of young teachers to the area,” he said.
A joint-powers agreement for the project was created by the Marin County Office of Education, Marin County Board of Supervisors, and Marin County Board of Education.
This collaboration will oversee the construction of 135 homes for teachers and staff of local housing districts and 115 additional residences for low-income families, the Chronicle reported.