“I have been receiving the SQ News for several years and am continually impressed by the way it offers articles for both those on the inside and those on the outside, educating both groups about the other.”
— June McKay
The Terrible Bullet
Bullet can I ask you a question
Why are you so terrible
In the wake of your onslaught things turn horrible
See how you rip through bodies and kill so many dreamers
Just a ripple from the trigger sends blood flowing in streams
Made by man but yet given a life of your own
You are not the solution because you break up many a happy home
“25 percent of millennial-age American men think asking a woman who is not a romantic partner to go for a drink is harassment,” according to a recent survey by The Economist/YouGov reports The New York Times 1-17-18.
People dealing with issues thinking that you can solve them
Yet in the end you become their greatest problem
Look at the damage that you do to their world
Taking the lives of innocent boys and girls
Oh bullet they say that you do to the world
But yet in life you play such a deadly game
You have no eyes so therefore you cannot see
Blind to the fact that you are killing off humanity
I wonder if you knew your crimes would you respect
And if so would claim that the deaths you caused wasn’t meant
Would you just blame man and absolve yourself of guilt
Wrapping your consequences are so real
Nothing but a piece of steel
Yet your fatal consequences are so real
I must ask of those whom have emotions that feel
Why has the bullet been given the power to kill
Not even knowing those whom it may slay
Yet those precious lives will not live to see another day
Recently I read about a child that was shot and killed
I guess they had to go because this what heaven willed
But why were you so unsympathetic in what you did
Do you not realize that the life you took was that of a kid
Oh mighty bullet let me ask you another question
Because everyday your deadly deeds be having me guessing
I wonder at your worth but still can not figure it out.
Death and destruction is what you are all about
Look at how tore through that woman’s heart.
Ripping her entire family apart
Then you have theses greedy businessmen that become a gun dealer
Them as well the triggerman is the real killer
Look at the precious metal
But it is used for the wrong purpose by the devil
He destroys the souls that he posses
Even the killer kills a part of themselves in the process
So bullet who do you answer to
Is destruction the only way that you pay your due
All it takes is a pull of the trigger to unleash your fury
Shutting down all the factories that makes bullets would be the best theory
Because a lifeless bullet can take a life on its own
Once released into the air it is terror prone traveling at the seed of light
All it takes is one bullet to end a life
Causing grief and destroying so much
A lot of havoc can be reaped from a bullets touch
Man fingers the trigger and then pulls it
Little does he realize the endless consequence of the terrible bullet
Bobby Bostic Jefferson City Correctional Center, Jefferson City, MO. 651015-4-18