In a state that has been plagued by droughts and water shortages, why are we showering the dirtiest people in the state? The criminals do not need showers; they need salvation!
They need their souls washed from the dirty deeds they have committed. No amount of water will cleanse them.
Since it is impractical to never bathe the wretched masses that have committed sin, because it is left to the pure of heart to watch these criminals and save them from their selves, we should not add to the captor’s misery by forcing them to smell the pungent refuse of society.
Since it would be offensive to the sensibilities of the righteous, we must come up with some compromise to ease their suffering.
After all, why should the good citizens whom have suffered the worse deprivations imaginable by being exposed to the filth be subjected to their offensive smells as well.
This must be balanced with a modicum of compassion on the part of the state.
Water being the precious resource that it is, should never be wasted. A unique program at San Quentin has addressed this need.
The criminals at this infamous prison are subjected to a weather and temperature based regiment.
As soon as the temperature goes down in the winter months, the shower water temperature mimics the outside conditions and is lowered.
Vice versa in the warmer months of the year, water temperature is raised as the outside temperatures go up.
This has the affect of allowing the criminal to think they are making the choice to take shorter showers.
The criminal would never choose to conserve water for the sake of the state or the public. After all, the lowest people in society rarely think of anything or anyone outside of their selves.
The wretched criminal takes shorter showers for his own sake. Otherwise, the criminal would choose to squander water.
San Quentin should be commended for the foresight of seeing that staff should be relieved of the putrid smells of the wretched, but water must be preserved.
As for those who may object to the poor treatment of offenders, I remind them that the criminal should be regarded as an animal of the basest nature.
The criminal shows no feelings for society when they pillage and rape communities, therefore they must be without them.
They should be treated as the animals they are. Would we worry about the temperature we bathe cattle in? I think not! Criminals do not deserve any special consideration. We can remove the filth from their skin, but not from their character. We would be wise to keep this thought in perspective, like the good people of San Quentin.