Dear Kid CAT,
On Aug. 3, 2017, I was found unsuitable for parole. I’m currently serving 15-years-to-life for murder and am a youth offender candidate under SB 261, but I have garnered over 20 disciplinary writeups, last one in 2014, when I committed to a better way of life. I will return to the parole board in 2020 and will make it out. Introspection is key, we must heal and gain emotional strength and never give up.
After 20 years of incarceration, I am a believer in the power to rehabilitate and heal. We can all inspire those around us like those that have paroled and everyday prove in society how second chances aren’t taken for granted. If you are like me or still have some time before your board, be honest and ask yourself, “How did I get here?”
Take this time to reflect and find your inner freedom and truth.
Sincerely, Ignacio M.
Correctional California Institution