Shift in policy and practice focuses on girls’ history of trauma As of July 2022, there were no girls imprisoned in all of Hawaii, according to … [Read more...]
LAW & POLICY – SF DA reinstates policy allowing juveniles to be charged as adults
Newly elected San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins reinstated the policy of charging 16- and 17-year-olds as adults for crimes that she … [Read more...]
California invests $4.7B to address youth addiction, mental health
Gov. Gavin Newsom announced an allocation of $4.7 billion to cope with mental health and substance abuse problems for the youth of California, the … [Read more...]
PENNSYLVANIA – Number of juveniles charged as adults on the decline
Fewer juvenile offenders are being sent to adult courts as a shift works its way into the American justice system, The Associated Press … [Read more...]
Southern Marin Broncos youth football team tours SQ
On April 4, eight members of the Southern Marin Broncos football team visited The Q with their parents and went on a tour of the prison that turned … [Read more...]
Autism increases likelihood of arrest in youth
A newly released study finds autistic youth interactions with the criminal justice system and police encounters are becoming more common and can be … [Read more...]
California closing youth prisons
California is gearing up to make dramatic changes in its juvenile incarceration system. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation in 2020 to close the … [Read more...]
Cuarentenas en cárceles juveniles
Jóvenes encarcelados en toda la nación están sintiendo la presión psicológica al estar expuestos a las condiciones difíciles que representan los … [Read more...]
La ley SB 203 proteje derechos Miranda para adolescentes
Ser esposado y puesto en el asiento trasero de un carro-patrulla o ser interrogado por detectives veteranos como sospechoso, puede ser abrumador para … [Read more...]
SF may close juvie, divert money to community-based youth offender services
The COVID pandemic has slowed down plans to close San Francisco’s Juvenile Hall, but alternative actions have decreased the number of occupants, the … [Read more...]