Despite the unpopularity of the death penalty among the men in blue at San Quentin, many still think it is needed. Random informal interviews were conducted with 19 men on San Quentin’s main line regarding the death penalty. The men were first asked: “Do you support the death penalty?” Fifteen said “no” and four said “yes.” However, when asked the second question: “Is there any crime or crimes that ever justify execution?” the majority said “yes.” Of the 15, only three were adamant that no crime ever justifies execution. P.J., a member of San Quentin’s KidCAT group, said, “It doesn’t matter…I don’t support the death penalty and there is no crime that justifies it.” Another of the three said, “I became enlightened in prison…my views have changed. I used to believe in the death penalty, but I don’t anymore.”
Among the crimes the men in San Quentin believe justify executions, as long as the defendant is 100 percent guilty, in rank order, are:
1. Serial rape and murder of children (12 and under).
2. Serial murder of children (12 and under).
3. Rape and murder of a child (12 and under).
4. Torture, mutilation, and murder of a child (12 and under).
5. Serial rape and murder of minors (under age 18).
6. Rape and murder of a minor (under age 18).
7. Rape and murder of a person (any age).
8. Serial murder of women (any age).
The bottom line is that harming children or minors is justification enough for execution. One interesting exception was a man named Sane, who believes incest should be punishable by death: “Incest is so immoral; it justifies the death penalty…no matter what.”